How a New Jersey Temp Agency helped me with my Career Change – from Perfume to People, an HR Manager’s Adventure!
The most common daily questions we get from callers are: “How do I switch my career?”, “I lost my job and I don’t know what else I can do” or “I want to explore my options and see what else is out there”. Throughout our working years, we sometimes find ourselves in a role where we feel stuck, confused, or unsatisfied for so many different reasons. For some, it’s the corporate culture, the commute, the hours, the boss, the department, the plane, train, or automobile travel for work, etc. Sometimes we just wish to try out something new! Why not?! Hold on… the idea of starting a new career can feel daunting, like “Where do I begin, who do I call”?
A well established New Jersey Temp Agency entertains and takes career change requests seriously, especially since UNIFORCE Staffing Solutions did just that for their HR Manager, who herself began as their own Temp. After energetically studying and becoming proficient in the languages of Spanish and French, she spent years travelling domestically and internationally, successfully involved in the launch of everything perfumed – fine fragrances, cosmetics, body and household products. She “dreamt” new product development concepts, then worked with perfumers and chemists to conceive, scent and package them into tangible real products. She also wrote supportive PowerPoint presentation and presented live to product manufacturers, designers, and celebrities. Yes, the creative work was invigorating, the clients were glamorous, and the travel allowed her to ‘see the world’ of Asia, Latin America, Canada, Europe (skiing with colleagues in the Alps), and many US States. Unfortunately, with her kids nearing the teenage years, the time came to calm the commute, spend time at home in New Jersey, and perhaps try something new and different. “Whaaat?”, her colleagues exclaimed.
She had no idea that a local New Jersey Temp Agency could help with a career change using her current skill sets of creative writing, media design, public speaking, administration, emailing decks to worldwide affiliates, speaking English/Spanish/French, and finding, hiring, and training her own department staff. It was luck that a friend had worked through the Temp Agency, Uniforce Staffing Solutions, to restart a career. Maybe there was hope!
Thrilled to find and help this marketing maven with a career change, Uniforce Staffing Solutions recruiters thoroughly probed and uncovered a multitude of useful administrative and people skills. The exploration gave recruiters a keen determination of how these skills could be marketed to a new opportunity, and at which clients, right here in New Jersey. This gave her hope. Her crossover of expertise afforded the Temp Agency to hire her repeatedly for required projects and positions. In some assignments, she helped write the marketing plan at a college and at others, she handled administrative and layouts at designer label manufacturer. She also handled market research at a food company, and corporate front desk reception.
What an awesome opportunity to try out different industries, companies, products, and people! They benefited by easily filling their positions with her, always receiving positive feedback about ‘consistent solid work ethic, effective interaction, always on time, never out’. Why not use her everywhere, and Uniforce Staffing Solutions did! Some clients’ assignments were staged to last a week or two, which turned into a month or two, some into a year or two.
In between assignments, this New Jersey based Temp Agency hired her to ‘woman’ their busy front desk, as their full time employee eventually retired. Happily, this outstanding and several times “Employee of the Month” was invited to join them permanently, fully supporting the Team. With past experience recruiting in the fragrance industry, she reignited this former skill by recruiting Temps herself, then segued into all areas of Human Resources as HR Manager of Uniforce Staffing Solutions.
Her product was perfume, now her product is people. Helping each candidate find a job allows them to feel good in many ways – the reward of a career change to HR Manager by a Temp Agency!
Not surprising, she is grateful and sincerely “Thanks” Uniforce Staffing Solutions, and
they appreciate her as a welcomed addition.
Yes, a NJ Temp Agency can help you with a career change!!