Why would anyone want to work an accounting temp job?

Temp agencies with a presence in many states such as Florida, New York, and New Jersey as well as other states provide temp jobs on all different levels to employees seeking an accounting or finance opportunity that matches their career objectives. Accounting Temp jobs are always in demand. Businesses are constantly looking for employees, especially in an environment where the unemployment rate is so low.
A very common tool for bringing on employees full time is through a temp-to-hire or temp-to-perm hiring strategy. In this case, an employer has the budget approval to add full time headcount, but in the short term, prefer to retain an employee via the temp-to-hire method. Employment agencies, such as UNIFORCE Staffing Solutions, confirm that over 75% of their active job order requisitions are in fact, temp-to-hire. Temping is now a major path towards direct hire or “permanent” employee status.
In January 2024, the unemployment rate ticked up from a year earlier to 3.7 percent. Therefore, in order to keep up with hiring demands, companies are adding temp jobs in order to hire people more quickly than they can with a full time hire. The truth of the matter is that an employer usually can bring on an accounting temp or consultant much more quickly than a full time employee. Human Resources departments typically have a strict approach to hiring and timelines can be long due to on boarding, background checks, and multiple lines of approval. A job seeker should understand that they can wait less time to get hired and start towards a temp or temp-to-hire career.
A temp job allows job seekers to be hired for a specific period or extended period of time. Companies request temporary positions when they are in need of assistance immediately, due to a vacancy. Hiring managers don’t have to get approval from the central Human Resources department most times. In many cases, the temp job in an accounting department has a specific start date and possible end date. Some reasons for the term or period could be due a maternity leave, a leave of absence, an employee resignation, or an upcoming project.
Working through a temp agency allows all kinds of people to gain experience in the workforce. For example, a finance/accounting retiree looking to reenter the workforce may take a temp job to ease their way back into the workplace. Furthermore, a college student on summer break may perform a temp job in order to build up their resume over those few months. Temp jobs in New Jersey and other states offer convenience to the needs of people in their current stage of life. Expanding knowledge and learning a new trade or skill on-the-job is only beneficial to a person looking to develop a career..
In full transparency, taking on an accounting temp job shows an individual’s dedication because an employee is committing to a position for a specific period of time. Sometimes starting smaller may lead to bigger positions in the future. As one works diligently as a temp, employers will notice one’s strong work ethic. Working in a temp job provides immediate visibility and also gets one’s name out to other departments within an organization. Additionally, more companies will notice one’s resume due to the additional experience and software skills acquired. These experiences in a temp job will lead to connections with future employers. Doors can only open for a full time position or internal promotion.
It’s important to understand that not all temp jobs stay temporary. As discussed, the temp-to-hire option can occur when the company finally realizes that the temp is thriving in the role. A good lesson to learn why a job seeker would want to work as a temp is that “you have to be in it to win it.” Employers really like to “try before they buy.”